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eANGKS/Vigilance martial arts


EANGKS Norwegian Foot March

THE NORWEGIAN FOOT MARCH – a badge for Soldiers and Civilians

In the military, there are coveted foreign badges that a Soldier can EARN. These badges are both an honor and bragging right, as well as display rank.


Service members and civilians from all over the world are invited to participate in the inaugeral Kansas  Norwegian Foot March and earn the Norwegian Foot March Badge.


First held in 1915 as a test of marching endurance for soldiers in the Norwegian Military. A strategic goal was to be able to move larger units of troops over a great distance swiftly and in a manner that enabled them to efficiently be combat ready even after the march by carrying their rucksack /weaponry of 11 kg.

The goal today is to stimulate the general interest of marching over extended distances amongst military and civilian personnel.

The test:
The test consists of a 30km/18.6mile march (march/run) with rucksack containing 11kg (24
lbs). There is no longer a requirement to carry your rifle or conduct before Dawn.

Approved military uniform. Field uniform/work uniform and military grade boots. The uniform must be within service member regulation during the march. Civilian events and where civilians partake in a military setting, civilian clothing is allowed i.e., long trousers and boots with a minimum weight of 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs).

Rucksack with content must weigh in at minimum 11 kg/24 lbs. at both start and finish line.  Rucksack / backpack of military grade. Civilian participants can use a civilian version of the rucksack.


Military Personnel:

Military personnel ensure your unit CMD approves your use of official military uniform and equipment for this event.  Each military branch of service will determine who may wear this badge and how to wear according to specific service regulations. This event is not organized or sponsored by any military branch of service.


2023 Route / Map


Time Standards

Training Guide (A method...)

Norwegian Foot March Orientation

Ruck March 101 (Rucking...)


Vigilance martial arts

Start Today and Change Your Life!
At Vigilance Martial Arts, we offer Martial Art classes to students ages 4 and up; specializing in life skill training. Attitude, Discipline, Control and Respect are just a few of the pillars we live by, lead by and teach to our students. Whether you are a bright eyed 4 year old with an interest in the martial arts, a senior citizen interested in trying something new or somewhere in between; Vigilance Martial Arts has a place on the mat just right for you. So if you are interested in having more “knowledge in their mind, honesty on their heart, strength in their body, making good friends and becoming an awesome black belt”, we would encourage you to give Vigilance Martial Arts a try.

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